الاثنين، 16 أكتوبر 2017

Interactive Novel

Interactive Novel

Being a visual novel means there is a lot of reading to do, but what were you expecting getting into this? Amazing art and a sense of style keeps things interesting, particularly on the PS4 where the game can really show its flair more than the past two have. I can’t speak for the Vita version, but the PS4 version never felt like a port of a handheld title. It always exhaled a quality that said it was made for my TV. That very vibrancy is something the previous games have embraced to contrast the mature content, with the style continuing to shine in this third part of the trilogy.
The prologue gets a little long in the tooth, painfully pointed out by Monokuma in a fourth-wall breaking comment. The self-referential humor is funny, but I would rather the prologue be half the length at the expense of that one joke. It’s an issue all of these games seem to have as they chug slowly out of the gate, struggling to introduce 16 characters and get you invested in all of them from the drop. Once you first glimpse that signature Danganronpa pink blood though, be ready for the mysteries to grab you and never let go, full of moments that you’ll never see coming throughout.

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